Saturday, May 28, 2011

My poor EVANNA!!!

Here is the doctor getting a splint and sling for her arm... It actually happens to be the one the nurse is holding while the splint hardens, the other arm is just in the stuff to show her it didn't hurt.
STORY: My sisters and mom and I went to the Rest Home to visit on Sunday... Jon was watching the kids (hmm... (: ) I get home and Jon tells me that Evanna fell off her bike and hurt her arm but that it didn't look bruised or anything.
Evanna wakes up and cries and cries and cries saying her arm hurt and that Cheyanne, our neighbor, ran her over (come to find out later when her mom did ask her, she totally did run her over with her bike...) Jonathan says shes fine (she isn't bleeding out and a bone isn't sticking out of her arm, so she must be alright?! WRONG!!!) So I watch her that night and she is moving it around. I figure if she is moving it, she probably just bruised it. MONDAY: She holds it close to her body and it hurts her but she is still moving it.... hmm... TUESDAY: It gets totally swollen around her elbow... Her arm is like twice as big.. DANG IT!!!
So we call and make an appointment for the next day. They do X-Rays and inform me that she has fractured her growth plate and tweaked the bone. So they did a splint and said if she can keep it REALLY STILL for five days, she will only have to wear a splint for a couple weeks. If she can't she will have to get a cast for a few weeks. (ok, what 3 year old can hold still?) I think i would have felt better with a cast to start off with. That kid is giving me heart attacks, as she falls on it, pulls her sling off, climbs on the table only to fall....AHH!!!
We go back on Tuesday to take more X-Rays to see if the splint has worked....My guess is going for cast....I will be really really shocked if it has healed after all she has done.... I can hope right?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just what I needed...

So it seems like life has been crazy lately... Busy and crazy and fast.
Well tonight I took all the kids and cooked hot dogs with my mom and Ashley's boys. Ashley and her family are moving soon so they were busy packing.
So we do hot dogs and then we took the kids to a playground to play. The kids had so much fun and I am sad I didn't get pictures. But that is most my life... I am too busy carrying a child or children to grab a camera so most the time, unless it's a planned thing, I miss the everyday pictures.
After getting back, Lyvi was asleep and all the kids were zoned out to the TV (A whole lot of running around and playing...I do parks to tire my kids out) I started reading the ENSIGN. I just opened to a random page and started reading and what I read really spoke to me. I don't even know who's talk it was, it was on becoming like a little child... The part that stood out to me was when it said...When Jesus came to the America's, he gathered the little children and held and blessed each one...And after he blessed them he wept...Then he spoke to the parents and said "behold your little ones"
I got all teary eyed picturing the Savior weeping because of how precious all the children were. Then the talk went on to say something to the effect of : Behold your little ones, it is not just glancing their way or looking at them once in a while, it is seeing their worth and really caring. It's seeing their potential.
I looked down at Alyvia sleeping and looked at all the kids sitting there so calm and realized I have been doing it all wrong lately. I have been too busy with all the things that in a year I won't even remember or care that I did. I have said things that I wish I could take back. I have rushed almost everywhere we go, not even enjoying the getting there... I need to love all the little moments. I have been a really cranky mom lately. I suppose I needed to read that right now...