JT has not had a challenging wrestling season this year. This kid has pinned every opponent in less than 30 seconds...My baby boy is getting bigger and tougher every day.
Avery got her bottom braces off at her last appointment and should get the top ones off at her next one..cross her fingers..She also is doing volleyball and is a setter and spiker. She is doing really well!
Halloween was fun this year. JT was himself...He had a wrestling tournament and knew he would cave and eat all the yummy foods and candy, so he stayed home from Nana's party. Avery was a unicorn, Evanna was Jack Skelington, Alyvia was a giraffe, Avonlea was Elsa and Titus decided to change his outfit a few times...lol..He ended up trick or treating as optimus prime. It was a fun night. Avonlea told me I needed to paint my face for Halloween. So i did. Jonathan had football practice and was late..(as usual) so he didn't dress up.
Life has been good. The kids are doing good and are healthy. Avery, Evanna and Alyvia had their piano recital last night. I will try and upload videos.
Just a little brother wishing he were a little bigger so he could wrestle.
When you go to tuck your kids in bed and find your son who has a wrestling meet in the morning and regrets eating everything in site because he is over weight....Sweaters, coats, blankets galore...lol
Just a boy who took 1st place at the show low tournament.
Elsa (aka: Avonlea)
These babies love each other!
Elsa+messy living room=Halloween
"UH, Mom...you need to paint your face!" -Avonlea.....So I did..
Close up
Halloween lumber jack that rubbed his beard off.
Cutest giraffe ever! Lyvi...
My unicorn....Avery
Gotta love Jack! Evanna looks Ah-May-Zing!
Flex those muscles buddy! lol
My trick or treaters+ Brook
My Halloween JT who knew he was too close to weight to party...lol
Titus, Evanna, Lyvi eating donuts.
Don't smile..really, don't..
Cousins are fun!
Cute-ish..more scary cute!
Love my hubs!
My family..Jon taking the picture.
Titus was not feeling good and needed to snuggle mom. He got over it like a champ though.
JT and Titus. Making cookies at Aunt Jennifers.
Evanna making her cookie at Aunt Jennifers.
Avery eating her cookie...
Avonlea decorating her cookie.
Alyvia decoration hers.
Sometimes life actually slows down and a big brother reads to his little brother. Melt a Mama's heart.
Jonathan and I built our farmhouse table and benches...Finally it is all finished!!!
My husband sent me flowers for national redhead day...lol
Bottom braces are off!
JT in the middle leading the redskin jacks! He is getting big. Last year in middle schoool...
Just a baby boy growing up too fast...
Just a Daddy snuggling his son.
Life is pretty grand in our books. We love each other and are so grateful to be a family!