I read my sister Lacey's blog and I almost cried! It was so sweet and I am so excited to say she is going to have babies almost as close as my first ones were! I am so excited for her and Patrick! But reading her blog inspired me to write how I really feel. She was so honest and I think she is such a good mom and friend.
I realize that I only write the surface things on my blog. I must totally come off as lame and boring- when in reality my life is wonderful and fun! I always worry about writing all the good stuff and having people think I am bragging and stupid.... Or write the bad stuff and have people think man her life must stink! But I guess I may as well be what I am right?! And plus I haven't blogged in so long that I am pretty sure no one reads it any more...So now is a good time...lol
I am trying to be a better person this year. I am trying to be more kind and more outgoing. Those are my New Years goals...I am working hard to right the wrong I have done in my life. It feels so scary but so good to actually write a meaningful letter to someone I should have a long time ago. Or to say sorry to people when I was too scared to say it before. I truly want to be a good person. I want to know God and Jesus Christ. Not just know about them like I have done before...but truly know THEM. Through my search to find God in my life I have realized the many things that I do or have done that led me away from Them. I also see the things I do that bring me closer to knowing them. I am so not perfect and never will be. I am sure I will screw up and people will see it and think I am not Christ-like at all....But I am trying. I am trying to be the person God intended me to be. Hopefully this year I can be more kind, more outgoing, more helpful and more Christ-like!
If I have offended anyone who may read this I am truly sorry. I can and have been immature unthoughtful, insecure, and unkind.... Hopefully (cross my fingers) I won't be anymore!
Anywho....That is what is new in my life! My kids are still healthy, fun, sweet, ornery, screamy, lovable and smart! Here are some pictures from the last 8 months that I never blogged! And of course I wrote first so when I added pictures it totally messed it up! Oh well... my life!! :)
Keep Blogging!!! And I am so happy for your sis! She is lucky to have you as a sister!
RACHEL! I am so emotional, that reading that you almost cried on my blog made ME cry. I love you and love seeing your writing. You didn't have any typos and I re read mine and I had like.... alot. You are such a great writer and you are a good person. I promise. You always are honest and so thoughtful and love to serve and help people. I love you so much!
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